Gall Bladder Surgery in Siliguri: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment, Procedure, and Recovery

Gall Bladder Surgery in Siliguri: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment, Procedure, and Recovery


A gallbladder is a small organ under the liver on the right side of the abdomen. It helps in storing and releasing bile to improve digestion. A gallbladder disease can be solved however sometimes in case of no relief even after the treatment you will be in immediate need of gallbladder surgery. A gallbladder surgery is performed to remove the organ itself. The gallstone is the most common cause of gallbladder disease and causes severe pain and discomfort. Here we will discuss and guide you to the treatment, procedure, and recovery of gall bladder surgery in Siliguri.


A gall bladder is not an essential part of the body. Without it, a human can do their daily activities with no major issue. Once the gallbladder is infected, the doctor finds it safer to remove the organ with gallbladder surgery, also known as cholecystectomy. If not, the infected gallbladder can tear and spread infected content into the abdomen which can cause huge issues. To avoid this, performing a cholecystectomy is not only safe but will enhance the overall result of the patient's health recovery. For your surgery, you can contact the best gallbladder surgeon in Siliguri.

Apart from surgical treatment of gallbladder, there are other options including, biliary drainage procedures, medication, and even home remedies based on the severity of the patient's pain and gallbladder condition.


To do cholecystectomy, you need to know different types of surgery procedures. Different procedures are:

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the most preferable procedure for gallbladder surgery. It is the least invasive method for surgery. Less pain and less bleeding are important reasons behind laparoscopic cholecystectomy being the patient's favourite choice. And due to its less invasive nature, it also leads to a quick and easy recovery.

Robotic cholecystectomy: another procedure of cholecystectomy just like Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Robotic cholecystectomy is also known as a variation of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Which procedure is used on you, depends on what the hospital offers. As it is robotic surgery, the surgeon operates robotic instruments during the surgery.

Open cholecystectomy: this is the most invasive method where a long incision is made to remove the gall bladder. One of the traditional methods, open cholecystectomy, is a safe procedure in some cases including, emergency cases, cardiopulmonary conditions in patients, already infected abdomen beyond the gallbladder, and others.

Recovery from gall bladder surgery

Your recovery from the surgery depends on which treatment and procedure you have gone through. For example, the least invasive procedure, laparoscopic cholecystectomy takes about 2 weeks while the most invasive, open cholecystectomy can take time of 6 to 8 weeks for recovery.

Here are some tips during your recovery phase after a gall bladder surgery.

In case you are into extensive exercises, you should prohibited from doing so, even if most people can do their daily activities after around 2 weeks.

After you remove surgery, there will be some changes regarding your digestive system thus you need to take care of your diet to adjust accordingly. The anesthesia also plays a role in affecting your digestive system thus, it is advisable to eat light and bland foods during your recovery time and wait for your body without the gall bladder to return to normal condition.


Gallbladder surgery is your best option in case it has already been infected. In case you are facing severe pain in your gall bladder it is very important that you immediately contact a gall bladder surgery in Siliguri. The treatment and procedure will give relief from the discomfort and pain.

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